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Samanvay is the annual national Business School Fest of the IIT Madras. It is organized by students of MBA at Department of Management Studies. Each year Samanvay revolves around a new theme and its events are centered around it. It is the showcase of clash among the most astute and accomplished business brains of the country when they pit their wit against each other in events that challenge their diverse managerial capabilities. Samanvay 2010 was inaugurated by Mr K. Ananth Krishnan, Chief Technology Officer, Tata Consultancy Services. Some of the recurring events are Business Plan contest, Panel Discussion by industry experts, Online quizzing and other function specific events on Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR and Consulting.
The Department of Management Studies was created in the year 2004 in order to nurture and develop the fledgling MBA programme which had been started in August 2001. Besides the MBA programme, the department has research programmes at the Masters' (MS) and Doctoral (Ph D) levels, an MS (Entrepreneurship) programme. The department is also a partner in multi-institutional Diploma programme (PGPEX - VLM) for Visionary Leaders in Manufacturing, along with IIM Calcutta and IIT Kanpur. The department has twenty six faculty members drawn from a variety of functional areas of management, with a good mix of age, gender and region. Research, Consulting, Sponsored Research and Executive Development Programmes are among the multitude of activities in which the faculty are engaged. Infra-structure includes state-of-the-art class-rooms, abundant computing and internet facilities accessible at all times and on all days, besides seminar and conferencing facilities. A hall-mark of the department is the excellent faculty-student relationship that fosters an atmosphere of regular feedback and growth. It is a place where faculty and students can be seen working together on a variety of tasks including the creation of this web-site! The department has partnerships with a few foreign universities and also undertakes student exchange programmes Consultancy and Executive Development programmes are some of the other activities of the department.
Description About IIT Madras